Comments Posted By Phil Page
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I'm an unabashed progressive radical and visit your site rarely. But on this topic, I must wholehartedly agree with you. I have had it with Hillary Clinton and her wavering, fly with the wind, pablum spouting rhetoric. She learned well from the master of wavering. Has she taken a stand for anything? I know that some "liberals" will probably skewer me for saying this, but I want neither Hilly or Obama running. Neither one has any real stand. Where was she leading up to this debacle in Iraq. I am a retired Master Sergeant who has served in Afghanistan and Iraq before retiring in 2004. I could not take any more of the devistation going on there and am just sick of the bullcrap that all the politicos(both elected and media tramps)are spewing. The only politician who had and has really stood up for us(the troops) is Russ Feingold. If any of you out there know anyone serving in the real Iraq and Afghanistan(not the Green Zone partiers), please let them know that you care. Get the real story from those of us who have been targets for the last four years. Don't let the press dictate your thoughts(and that's from either side). I believe that real discussion and appreciation of both sides of the argument matter. "Righties" and "Lefties" deserve their say. This is the America that I believe I served for. Merry Christmas(yes, progressives can believe in God too, despite what no serving, draft dodgers on both sides say. Don't letthese hacks take away your individual thoughts. We Americans are a lot smarter and more in touch with the real world than they think. We aren't seduced anymore by the "Washington Celebrity Status". Tell us the TRUTH and we can deal with it. The last election was a wake up call and they still aren't getting it. We the people will get rid of the Demos too if they keep this up. Nay to Hillary.

Comment Posted By Phil Page On 20.12.2006 @ 14:51

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